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Redefining Architectural Visualization

LetsDesign Studios is a high-end architectural visualization brand, with a unique and engaging visual style. Our 3D architectural visualization techniques begin by aiding the design decision-making process and then developing marketing strategies for yet unbuilt architecture projects. Our 3D visualization services include 3D floor plans, still renders, 3D animations and VR/AR applications

Floor Plans

Three-dimensional floorplans for real estate marketing

Still Render

Exterior and interior views of large to small scale projects


Animated movies for storytelling and marketing purposes


Imersive VR/AR applications for the iterative design process

Client Testimonial


Here at LetsDesign Studios, we understand that design isn't a linear but iterative process and we are happy to let you know that we got your back. We offer schematic 3D architectural visualizations that are suitable for getting quick feedback from clients These 3D architectural visualization techniques require a reduced turnaround time that are perfect for early stages of a design process before proceeding to final renderings

Experience Focused

Our 3D architectural visualization techniques provide high quality representations of your design intent, whether it’s at the early or final design stage, we have a service that fits perfectly for each purpose. These deliverables could come as a still image, animation or video game-like experience (VR/AR) to support a highly immersive experience for your designers and clients as well.


We spend less time talking and more time showing and our understanding of the iterative process is accompanied with affordable illustrations at early stages of the design process. Our quick 3D architectural visualization presentations which do not require ray-tracing techniques at early stages of design are delivered with highly efficient schedules that cut extra costs when making several iterations or revisions


why letsdesign studios?

There are many options out there that offer 3D architectural visualization services, from freelancers to registered companies. LetsDesign Studios, however, is a registered brand that is driven by the iterative design-process in architecture and construction industries. There are many talented freelancers capable of providing good quality visuals for a lesser fee. However, cheaper doesn’t necessarily mean better, as sometimes it could come with difficulties in meeting deadlines and making revisions. Companies on the other hand, although very professional, most of them are profit-focused and tend to restrict the iterative process with their strict schedules for revisions. If you are looking for a partner to visualize your designs whether for the planning committee or a client. LetsDesign Studios is the perfect fit for you. As we offer very flexible 3D architectural visualization schedules.

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